New member of the sales team for BEES™ Seeds & Gifts

The New Year has brought the opportunity of expanding the sales team at G Plants. Paul Egan will be working in the north of England, focusing on Garden Centre and gift store sales. Read more - open to all

Daniel Holden has been revealed as the winner of the Westland/GCA Rising Star of 2016

Daniel from Barton Grange Garden Centre was voted Rising Star of 2016 by delegates at the GCA Conference in St Andrews, Scotland and picked up his award on stage at the Gala Dinner on Tuesday night. Read more - open to all

Daniel Holden collects his award

GCA welcomes new inspectors

The Garden Centre Association has today (Monday, January 23, 2017) announced its three new inspectors who will begin visiting member garden centres this spring. Read more - members only

Gordon Emslie - GCA inspector

Mike Cook joins Choice

Choice Marketing is very pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Cook as Group Services Manager with immediate effect. Read more - open to all

Mike Cook

Louis King appointed to rule London and Kent

Essex-based Louis King has been appointed territory manager for Kent and most of London by Mr Fothergill's. He comes to the Suffolk seedsman from a similar role with Unilever. Prior to this, Louis lived in Sweden for eight years, where he was a semi-professional footballer. Read more - open to all

What is your internal soundtrack saying to you?

Delegates at this month's (January, 2017) Garden Centre Association (GCA) 51st annual conference will be asked what their internal soundtracks are saying to them and how this sits with what they want to achieve. Read more - open to all

Jon Wilks

Bob Hewitt joins Kelkay board

Former chief executive, now non-executive chairman of Klondyke, Bob Hewitt has taken up an additional part-time role as non-executive director of Kelkay. Read more - members only

Anthony Harker and Bob Hewitt

John Cook is new head chef at busy restaurant

Stewarts Garden Centre Restaurant and Coffee shop at Broomhill, near Wimborne has appointed John Cook as their new Head Chef.  Read more - open to all

(From left)  Howard Arnold welcomes John Cook.

High seas adventurer to speak at GCA Conference

One of Britain's most highly regarded sailors and a true adventurer will be giving delegates at the Garden Centre Association's (GCA) annual conference (January, 2017) tips on competitive tenacity and the will to win. Read more - open to all

Pete Goss MBE

Changing of the guard at Stax Birmingham

Stax Trade Centres has announced that Philip Joyce will be joining the team as Branch Manager designate at their Birmingham location. This follows closely with the news that current Branch Manager, David Scully will be retiring next Spring after 25 years loyal service with the company. Read more - open to all

Phil Joyce, Stax Birmingham Branch Manager

2016 - a year of change

2016 saw second tier garden centre chains and independents invest as Wyevale consolidated. Homebase and Argos are sold. The HTA moved offices and moved to become the lead association for all gardening related businesses. Glyphosate, Xylella and the weather made frequent headlines. Scotts and Bayer looked for a way out of distributing consumer garden chemicals. Read our review – open to all. Read more - open to all

Bunnings buys Homebase

Briers working with EFSA on future trends

Briers has stepped up its involvement with EFSA, the European Floral and Lifestyle Product Suppliers Association, with two appointments to key positions within the organisation. Read more - open to all

Jackie Eades

New sales manager joins JFS

A new face has joined the January Furniture Show (Birmingham, NEC 22-25 January 2017) organising team. Read more - open to all

Ed Hubbard

HTA Benevolent Fund appoints Caroline Owen as Trustee

The HTA Benevolent Fund is pleased to announce the appointment of Caroline Owen of Scotsdales to its Board of Trustees following the 2016 Annual General Meeting. Read more - open to all

 Caroline Owen of Scotsdales

Barton Grange and Castle Gardens retain their Xmas crowns

Barton Grange and Castle Gardens have retained their titles as the national winners of the 2016 GCA annual Christmas competition. Read more - members only

Castle Gardens

Thrive remembers one of its founders

A church service was held in January at Beech Hill, Berkshire to remember the life of gardening charity Thrive’s founding member The Rev’d Dr Geoffrey Udall who would have celebrated his 100th birthday on Monday January 16th 2017. Read more - open to all

 Geoff Udall at Trunkwell

Gardman appoints Scott McCabe as Director, Garden Centre Independents

Following a hugely positive response to Gardman’s 2017 marketing programme, Scott McCabe will join Gardman to strengthen the Garden Centre Independents team. Read more - open to all

Scott McCabe

LOFA prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary with a new Chairman and Vice Chairman

It is with regret that LOFA has to announce that Chairman Paul Bevington has decided to step down from LOFA Council, for personal reasons. He is succeeded by Mark Osborne. Read more - open to all

Mark Osborne

Johnsons of Whixley rewards dedication of staff

Johnsons of Whixley have marked the achievements of four members of staff who have each completed ten years’ service with the company. Read more - open to all

Chairman steps down at Hayloft Plants

After just over three years as Non-Executive Chairman at Hayloft Plants Ltd, Martin Harvey is leaving the specialist multichannel garden plant company, to focus on growing his award-winning Bio-Gard business, which sells a range of waste water treatment products for domestic septic tanks under the Muck Munchers brand. Read more - open to all

Martin Harvey

Glendale Horticulture appoints new Managing Director

Glendale Horticulture is pleased to announce that Laurence Scowen has joined the business in the role of Managing Director, effective from January 2017 Read more - open to all

Laurence Scowen

Phil Burgoyne joins Garland Products/Worth Gardening

Garland Products/Worth Gardening is delighted to welcome Phil Burgoyne to the management team as its new south east and key accounts manager. 35 years garden centre experience will aid company’s continued expansion. Read more - open to all

Phil Burgoyne, Garland/Worth Gardening’s new south east and key accounts manager.

New President for the North of England Horticultural Society

Leading floral designer Jonathan Moseley has been appointed President of the North of England Horticultural Society (NEHS). Read more - open to all

Jonathan Moseley

CBE for Sue Biggs

Sue Biggs, director-general of the Royal Horticultural Society, has been appointed CBE in the New Year Honours list. See other awards. Read more - members only

Sue Biggs CBE

GCA delegates to get ‘fascinating explanations for everyday numbers’

A world-renowned behavioural economist, award-winning Financial Times columnist and BBC broadcaster will be offering delegates at the Garden Centre Association (GCA) annual conference in January (2017) an insight into the economics of daily life. Read more - open to all

Tim Harford

Glee expands team to meet ongoing demand

As Glee 2016 becomes a distant memory the garden retail industry is starting to look ahead to the 2017 show. With exhibitor bookings up 19% year-on-year, the Glee team has expanded to meet growing demand, particularly from international markets.  Read more - open to all

Alix Mariello joins Glee

Geoff raises more than £250 for hospice with tash

A member of staff at one of the UK’s leading nurseries in Hereford has raised £287.43 for a hospice in the area by growing a moustache (December, 2016). Read more - open to all

Alex Polizzi’s Fixer Karl to speak at GCA conference

Retail consultant Karl McKeever who appeared on BBC TV’s ‘Alex Polizzi – The Fixer’ will be speaking at the Garden Centre Association (GCA) annual conference in January (2017). Read more - open to all

Retail consultant Karl McKeever

Apta appoints new national sales manager

Apta, the leading supplier of outdoor planters, is pleased to announce the appointment of Darren Boorman as its new national sales manager. Read more - open to all

Darren Boorman

Crest continues to grow

Crest Garden has announced the appointment of two key sales roles to accelerate the development of the Flopro and Kent & Stowe brands. Read more - open to all

Melanie Dobson (left) and Jacqui Sutcliffe (right).

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