Nigel Gibson receives RHS Long Service Medal for 40 years of service to Horticulture

Company: Provender Nurseries
  • (L-r) Richard Burt, Richard McKenna, Nigel Gibson, Sheliagh & Chris Lanem, Tom Norris & Jude Lawton.

The Provender Nurseries team are over the moon to have celebrated Nigel Gibson's 40 years in Horticulture yesterday.

Nigel received an RHS Long Service Medal for 40 years of service to Horticulture. Awarded by Chris Lane, RHS Veitch Memorial Medal holder, Nigel was totally unaware of what we had planned for him. Alongside everyone at Provender Nurseries, Jude Lawton, Kent Plant Heritage Chairman Tom Norris, former MD of Coblands and most importantly Sheliagh, Nigel’s wife came along to help Nigel celebrate.

A very special mention to Lorraine Hartley too for a wonderful, edible horticultural chocolate cake (Nigel's favourite).

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