Media Pack
The Cost
Effective way to reach new offers many ways to raise your business profile
Banners • Product News • Business Services • Special Features • The Buyers NewsLetter
For members it is free to publish People News, Job vacancies.
Banners are a great way to build recognition of your brand as they are seen over and over again. Gardenforum averages over 50,000 page views a month.
Rates for Banner Adverts 2024
- Banners for each banner position (Headline, Left 1 etc.) are loaded afresh each time a page is opened.
- You select how often you wish yours to appear. You can select an estimated 5, 10 or 15,000 views a month. 10,000 page views a month will mean your banner will be shown roughly every other visit someone makes to Gardenforum.
- Look at for the banner positions. You will see the banners change each time you change pages or refresh your screen.
£ per month / estimated views |
5,000 | 10,000 | 15,000 |
Headline | £228 | £456 | £684 |
Left 1 | £228 | £456 | £684 |
Left 2 | £125 | £250 | £375 |
Footer | £68 | £136 | £204 |
Briefing Banner | £350.00 per 4 mailings |

Specifications for banners
Banners are usually an animated gif. They can be any number of frames, but file sizes should be less than 195kb. We will also need the URL of the web page people will click through to.
Briefing banners must be single frame and supplied as a jpg.
At the end of your run we will send you details of the number of impressions (times viewed) and clicks your banner has recorded. You can also request these at any time during your run.
You tell us your news and we’ll tell the industry
Product News and the Buyers NewsLetter
Product News on Gardenforum and The Buyers NewsLetter email are how Gardenforum publishes your product press releases. The full text and one or more images (as many as you like) are posted immediately on Gardenforum. This is followed up by inclusion in the next Buyers NewsLetter which is emailed to about 1300 people with buying responsibilities at garden centres and other garden retailers.
£ per press release | Member | Non member |
1 press release | £98 | £122 |
Series of 3 | £207 | £259 |
Series of 6 | £316 | £395 |
Series of 10 | £404 | £505 |
Series of 20 | £656 | £820 |
Rates for Product News and the Buyers NewsLetter
There are discounted rates for Gardenforum members and you save if you buy a series in advance.
Send us your copy and images using the form on
Special Features
Category | Special Features | ||
Starts | Ends | ||
Sustainable Garden Products | 07/11/2023 | 21/11/2023 | |
Seasonal Products | 24/01/2024 | 07/02/2024 | |
Outdoor Living | 01/05/2024 | 15/05/2024 | |
Chelsea Flower Show | 15/05/2024 | 29/05/2024 | |
Glee | 18/06/2024 | 02/07/2024 | |
Solex | 02/07/2024 | 16/07/2024 | |
Sustainable Gardening | 15/10/2024 | 29/10/2024 | |
Business Services | 12/11/2024 | 26/11/2024 |
Free services for Gardenforum members
Gardenforum members may: -
- Submit items of news, such as People News - Free
- Advertise up to 2 job vacancies per month - Free
- Submit your website for inclusion on Useful Links - Free
Gardenforum members are also entitled to:
- Discounted rates on placing entries in Product News and the Buyers NewsLetter.

About Gardenforum
Gardenforum started in the year 2000 and is published exclusively online. It mixes news about the retail garden industry with contributions from companies within the sector.
In 2022, Google Analytics measured 575,000 page views.
What this tells you is that a banner and a press release on Gardenforum will be seen by many leading people in the garden sector, several times.