More snow possible for all areas for most of February

January trading is substantially below last year due to Covid and the weather. The Met Office warns of a greater than normal threat of disruptive winter hazards for all areas during most of February. Read more - members only

Horticulture industry comes together for a peat-free future

Unlocking the complexities of the peat debate by encouraging collaboration of the broad range of industry stakeholders to produce a roadmap the removal of peat from growing media.   Read more - members only

Met Office snow warnings

The met office has warned of snow tonight and on Saturday in Scotland and the North and later, in central England. The wintry risk continues into next week. Read more - open to all

Government plans crackdown on sale of peat

The Sunday Telegraph reported that garden centres will be handed hefty fines for continuing to sell peat compost under new government plans for a crack down.

Read more - members only

Woodchip, an alternative to peat.

Peter Seabrook stands up for British growers

Following criticism of British growers by Monty Don, Peter Seabrook’s column in the Sun stands up for some of the most environmentally and sustainable nurseries in the world. Read more - members only

Peter Seabrook

3 year extension for Glyphosate

It has been reported that the expiry date for Glyphosate will be extended until at least 15 December 2025 in Great Britain following Brexit. Read more - members only

Homebase to roll out ‘The Green Aisle’

Homebase is rolling out ‘The Green Aisle’ across its stores and online, showing a range of the most environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products all in one place. Read more - members only

Further lockdown easing in England

From Saturday Coronavirus restrictions will be relaxed for activities such as bowling alleys, skating rinks and soft play centres.  But travellers returning from France and Holland must self-isolate. Read more - open to all

Gardeners called to help save water as temperatures set to soar

The RHS has joined Water UK to encourage gardeners to adopt a ‘water-wise’ approach to their gardens ahead of this week’s forecasted heatwave. Read more - members only

New suppliers at the Garden Press Event

The quest to be environmentally responsible has brought new suppliers of compost and soil improvers to the Garden Press Event and a new approach for some existing suppliers. Read more - members only

Ian Riggs and Balaji Manoharan

HTA welcomes a Defra Secretary of State who knows the industry

HTA sees the appointment of George Eustice as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as a positive move given his knowledge of this industry. Read more - members only

In 2016, Minister, George Eustice with Carol Paris and Peter Seabrook

‘Enhanced’ Environment Bill goes before the Commons

The Government re-introduced the Environment Bill to Parliament yesterday. It follows the loss of the original Bill because of the general election in December. Read more - members only

Review of 2019

Here is a summary of the news stories published on Gardenforum during 2019:  Wyevale disintegration and the expansion of other groups, the environment, supplier consolidation and people in the news.  This review is open to all. Read more - open to all

Dobbies adopts a lifestyle theme for 2020 furniture

Dobbies held a London launch to unveil the themes for its 2020 garden furniture ranges. The mood is informality and fun. Read more - members only

Moroccan Mood

GIMA launches the UK garden industry’s first ‘Plastic Packaging Pledge’

The pledge is in response to the global impact of plastic packaging usage and the potential environmental damage this packaging can cause as a result of incorrect use and careless disposal. Read more - open to all

BHETA acts to remove plastic products from packaging tax

BHETA is lobbying against last minute changes to draft Plastic Packaging Tax legislation that introduce consumer goods to the intended single use packaging. Read more - members only

Late changes to Plastic Packaging Tax proposal

BHETA has raised strong objections to last minute additions to the draft Plastic Packaging tax legislation. Specifically, the extension to include consumer goods as well as packaging. Read more - members only

Peat, better the devil you know? Or the one you don’t?

Dejex Supplies, a wholesaler to commercial horticulture explores the arguments for and against peat and its alternatives. Read more - open to all

Figure 1. Peatland distribution within Northern Europe (European Commission)

HTA launches Sustainability Roadmap 

HTA launches Sustainability Roadmap to guide UK horticulture towards leading edge of sustainable business practice. Read more - open to all

Peat content is now less than 50%

Following Monty Don’s criticism of garden centres and growers for selling peat, the HTA has written that a peat-free future needs a change in national policy. Read more - members only

Proof that greening front gardens reduces stress

New scientific proof that greening front gardens reduces stress will change the way we design and build our living spaces, says the RHS. Read more - members only

Ivy is the most effective plant cover for cooling buildings

A new study by The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and University of Reading has found that ivy is the most effective plant cover for cooling buildings and reducing humidity. Read more - open to all

Government refuses compensation for UK Growers

The Government has rejected calls by The HTA and NFU to pay financial compensation to UK Growers following the Covid-19 shutdown.   Read more - open to all

Tougher Xylella regulations come into force today

Tougher Xylella regulations have come into force, which are said to effectively ban the import of olives, lavender and rosemary. However, the HTA warns of more plant imports without Government aid for Coronavirus. Read more - open to all

Wettest February on record and 5th wettest Winter

February 2020 has been the wettest February on record for most of the country. The weather looks likely to remain rather wet and windy into the middle of March… Read more - members only

Fears that Coronavirus will impact supplies from China

On Tuesday the Spring Fair seemed to be buzzing. But underneath there was uncertainty and concern about how the Coronavirus would impact imports of goods manufactured in China. Read more - members only

Image courtesy ABC

Great opportunity for UK Growers

UK growers at the HTA Contact conference are told the government needs UK horticulture for it to deliver its 25 year environment strategy. Read more - members only

HTA calls for 'no penalty period' for Plant Passporting

The HTA has asked Defra to introduce a 12 month grace period for plant passports as growers and retailers don't want to get it wrong. Read more - members only

HTA comments on General Election

James Clark, Director of Policy and Communications at the HTA comments on the announcement that a General Election is to be held on Thursday 12 December. Read more - open to all

To see earlier stories - Look in the News Archive