‘Enhanced’ Environment Bill goes before the Commons

The Government re-introduced the Environment Bill to Parliament yesterday. It follows the loss of the original Bill because of the general election in December. Read more - members only

Review of 2019

Here is a summary of the news stories published on Gardenforum during 2019:  Wyevale disintegration and the expansion of other groups, the environment, supplier consolidation and people in the news.  This review is open to all. Read more - open to all

Dobbies adopts a lifestyle theme for 2020 furniture

Dobbies held a London launch to unveil the themes for its 2020 garden furniture ranges. The mood is informality and fun. Read more - members only

Moroccan Mood

HTA warns Government after Queen’s speech

Although encouraged by the Government commitments in the Queen’s Speech, the HTA calls for continued access to European workers and pots to be included in a household recycling plans. Read more - members only

UK Nurseries depend on workers from abroad

Germany likely to ban Glyphosate

The German Environment Ministry says it will phase out use of glyphosate by 2023.  Ireland, however, says it will follow suit but be guided by the scientific consensus. Read more - members only

The HTA needs to get onto the front foot

HTA chairman, James Barnes calls for the backing of members, especially growers, to hear him present plans to re-invigorate the HTA and to promote sustainability at the Cultivating Retail conference. Read more - members only

James Barnes

Squire’s includes nature in new play area

Squire’s has opened an environmentally friendly children’s play area at Milford garden centre as part of a major upgrade that completes next spring. Read more - members only

Ricky Bowness, manager at Squire's Milford

RHS turns to citizen science to prepare for Xylella

The spittlelbug, native to the UK, is the chief carrier of Xylella in Southern Europe.  The RHS is asking gardeners and nature lovers to report spittle sightings to understand how Xylella might enter and spread here. Read more - members only


New Wisley plant centre to have biggest range of unusual plants

The new Welcome building that opens next month at the RHS Wisley garden will sell more unusual and rare plants from one place than anywhere else in the UK. Read more - members only

Do the right thing and it will be right for your business

Consumers don’t trust business when it comes to the environment. The HTA sustainability Matters debate heard examples of garden companies ‘Doing the right thing’ but heard warnings of Green-wash and Green-mush. Read more - members only

Natalie Porter

US Jury finds glyphosate contributed to man’s cancer

US Jury finds glyphosate contributed to man’s cancer. Next it will decide whether Bayer (Monsanto) is liable. Also, the EU has named the four countries that will assess the future of the weedkiller within the EU. Read more - members only

2018 Hot weather brought new bugs into the RHS top 10

The southern green shield bug, pear rust and the woolly aphid were of increasing concern among gardeners calling the RHS in 2018. Read more - members only

Wyevale Nurseries phases in recyclable plant pots

One of the UK’s leading commercial nurseries is now (March, 2019) using recyclable plant pots for all future retail plants that it’s currently potting. Read more - open to all

Steve Reed Production Director recyclable taupe plant pots

Bragg is the new chair of the GMA

Neil Bragg from Bulrush Horticulture is the new chairman of the Growing Media Association (GMA) with Ben Malin from Godwins taking on the role of vice-chairman. Read more - open to all

Neil Bragg is centre with green tie.  Steve Harper is 4th from left

Latest updates and key issues at Healthy Plants, Healthy Business conference

Plant health and biosecurity were the key topics of the day at the HTA Healthy Plants, Healthy Business conference, in association with APHA, which took place at Horticulture House in Oxfordshire on 29 January 2019. Read more - open to all

Great opportunity for UK Growers

UK growers at the HTA Contact conference are told the government needs UK horticulture for it to deliver its 25 year environment strategy. Read more - members only

HTA calls for 'no penalty period' for Plant Passporting

The HTA has asked Defra to introduce a 12 month grace period for plant passports as growers and retailers don't want to get it wrong. Read more - members only

HTA comments on General Election

James Clark, Director of Policy and Communications at the HTA comments on the announcement that a General Election is to be held on Thursday 12 December. Read more - open to all

A new product category emerged at Glee

Alternative to Chemicals, goes a step beyond replacing one chemical with another that's more environmentally friendly.  Hozelock and Westland see ATC as an important step preparing consumers for a 'free-from' future. Read more - members only

Westland's additives increase vigour

London to give away 10,000 planting kits

The Mayor of London will give away 10,000 planting kids on Saturday to celebrate London becoming the world's first National Park City. #GiveItAGrow Read more - members only

Peat use must be banned to hit zero-carbon targets says Veolia

It’s time to stop excavating our precious peatlands says the UK’s largest peat-free composter Veolia, claiming 'The damaging practice has continued to grow despite national targets to phase it out'.

Read more - members only

Glee looks to a plastic-free future

Green gardening is not a fashion or a passing fad – Glee takes a look at how exhibitors at Glee are planning to reduce dependency on single-use plastics. Read more - members only

DeepRoots' Jute Grow Pots

Retailers and suppliers meet to discuss responsible knife retailing

Top retailer and supplier brands attended BHETA’s workshop, to discuss its responsible knife retailing campaign.  The first actions in the responsible retailing campaign will be announced within weeks. Read more - members only

The plastic pot debate

The HTA’s sustainability matters conference discussed pots. Why Taupe? Is it better to recycle, reuse or are biodegradable pots a way forward? Should there be an industry agreed policy? Read more - members only

Public urged not to bring plant pests and disease into the UK

Government asks public not to bring back any plants or seeds, flowers, fruit or vegetables to the UK Plants as they can carry pests and diseases that would destroy UK plants, trees and crops. Read more - members only

Gardeners invited on springtime slug hunt

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is calling on gardeners to help locate a beneficial garden slug that could be on the verge of extinction in the UK. Read more - members only

Yellow cellar slug

Hillier nursery director calls for a plant import ban

Hillier nursery director, Hossein Arshadi, says schemes to halt spread of pests and disease are inadequate and create a false sense of security.  He calls for a ban on imports of host plants. Read more - members only

Hossein Arshadi, divisional director at Hillier Nurseries

RHS finds new insect British type in Wisley glasshouse

What is thought to be the country’s first colony of a species of webspinners was discovered in the glasshouse at RHS Garden Wisley in Surrey last summer. Further evidence, it says, of the impact globalisation is having on our gardens. Read more - open to all

BALI calls for dialogue to manage turf shortages

BALI calls for dialogue between turf suppliers and users to manage shortages.  The turf industry needs a warm, wet spring to recharge stocks. Read more - members only

Website to help fight damaging pest and diseases

The recently launched Plant Healthy website provides a self-assessment tool for business to improve their plant health practises to protect the horticultural supply chain from damaging pest and diseases. Read more - members only

Red necked long horn beetle

To see earlier stories - Look in the News Archive