Nervous optimism at Four Oaks

There was plenty of evidence at Four Oaks that retail buyers are cautious about Christmas and about over-wintering too many plants. There was the biggest ever number of overseas exhibitors at the trade show. See more… Read more - members only

Garden centre values have fallen by as much as 15%

Quinton Edwards says garden centre prices have fallen by between 10% and 15% and continue to fall. As a result it expects fewer transactions next year. Nursery prices, however, appear more resilient. See more... Read more - members only

Titchmarsh looks for innovative garden items for new ITV series

GIMA’s support for ITV’s Love Your Garden with Alan Titchmarsh is leading to further opportunities to place product on daytime TV. See more... Read more - members only

HTA issues security advice to members in light of civil unrest

With the rioting and looting that continues to affect London and major cities throughout the country, the HTA has advised members to implement certain security measures in an effort to protect their businesses. See more... Read more - members only

Wiseweather predicts a pretty average August

August forecast: Generally unsettled as slow moving fronts cross the UK, with short periods of hot weather in the southeast. See more... Read more - members only

Olympics sets landscaping standards for the future

Innovative landscaping will be central to the Olympic Park 2012. Last week the APL hosted a debate to discover the lessons this world class project has for UK landscaping. The days of blocked bedding have passed. The future lies with meadow planting. See more... Read more - members only

Choice Marketing adds Johnsons then says enough for now

Choice Marketing puts a hold on the addition of further garden centres after Johnsons of Boston joins the group. See more… Read more - members only

B&Q uses TrustMark to reassure customers

Following the demise of Focus and several other retailers, consumers can be wary about paying deposits before delivery. B&Q is using TrustMark to build confidence. See more... Read more - members only

Successful first day for National Plant Show

Day 1 of The National Plant Show at Stoneleigh confirmed that this is sure to become an annual event. Stand holders and buyers agreed that this is just what they need. The chat dominating the aisles was the impact of the Focus administration. See more... Read more - members only

Spot a wasp and earn 20p for allergic reaction charity

Rentokil will donate 20p to The Anaphylaxis Campaign for every sighting of a wasp or wasp nest recorded on See more... Read more - members only

Dobbies offers £66,000 to support local growing

Dobbies is seeking to fund the transformation of communities around its garden centres with bursaries worth £66,000. These are distributed through its “Here We Grow” programme. See more… Read more - members only

Following US success, Gardenex looks for exhibitors to Japan

Following success for its members in Las Vegas, Gardenex is calling on garden manufacturers to take advantage of favourable exchange rates by exhibiting at the leading Japan trade show. It has also introduced a new legal service to assist exporters. See more... Read more - members only

Amenity suppliers report a buoyant market

Growers attending the HTA Amenity Suppliers meeting, held last week at Coles Nurseries in Leicestershire, reported a healthy market with trading much better than anticipated at the beginning of the year.

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Over 300 sign for HTA Garden Gift Card

An 18 month trial of the HTA’s Garden Gift Card starts in August. Despite reservations discussed in the Gardenforum coffee shop, 312 garden centres have already signed with more expected. See more... Read more - members only

HTA Market Analysis looks at changes in consumer attitudes

The latest market analysis by the HTA shows local newspaper advertising still works best; bedding plant sales have increased at the expense of other plants and fewer people have grass in their gardens than 5 years ago. See more... Read more - members only

Unsettled weather set to continue through September

The unsettled weather seems set to continue through September, but it should be warmer with rain slightly above average, particularly in the west. See more... Read more - members only

July brings a halt to falling sales

Plant and catering sales helped to stop the decline in sales at garden centres. Smaller centres fared better than the destination centres and the South East did less well than the North. See more... Read more - members only

Garden Re-Leaf Day to kick-start the 2012 gardening season

Garden Re-Leaf day is planned as the gardening version of Comic Relief, a fun way to get people to start gardening in 2012. Already 120 companies and a number of celebrities are backing the idea. See more... Read more - members only

Garden Futures will seek to understand the customer of the future

The HTA’s 2012 Garden Futures Conference will look out over London from the spectacular Millbank Tower. This should add perspective to discussions about the garden centre customer of the future. See more... Read more - members only

Bosch backs British Tree Week

Bosch Lawn & Garden is partnering the Ramblers and the Woodland Trust in the launch of British Tree Week in October. See more... Read more - members only

Shoot seeks plant lists from suppliers

Nicola Gammon’s Shoot Gardening has experienced rapid expansion in the last 12 months, increasing membership to 30,000 gardeners. She has now launched a plant finding service and is looking for lists from plant suppliers. See more… Read more - members only

See the Future of Landscaping next week at the Olympic Venue

There are still spaces for next week's APL conference at the Olympic venue. It will include a tour of the Parklands around the stadium, velodrome, aqua centre, Olympic village, etc. that set new standards for UK landscaping for a decade. See more... Read more - members only

No return to drought conditions in July

There is no sign of a return to drought conditions as unsettled weather looks set to continue through July. The South East will see the best weather where rainfall will be around average. Elsewhere it will be higher. See more… Read more - members only

Garden centre sales fall for the third successive year

Garden centre revenues in May have fallen for the last 3 years and this year they were 15% lower than in April, according to the GCA. Garden furniture sales suffered especially. See more... Read more - members only

ITV v BBC sets Titchmarsh v Monty Don

This Friday BBC Gardeners’ World will air at eight o'clock bringing it in direct conflict with Alan Titchmarsh's new Love Your Garden programme. ITV, which has been working with GIMA, attracted twice as many viewers last week. See more... Read more - members only

Early warning helps retailers prepare for new Titchmarsh TV programme

The first of Alan Titchmarsh’s new gardening series is due to air on Friday. GIMA has been helping the makers to source products and is keen to alert suppliers and retailers ahead of each show to items that will be featured. See more... Read more - members only

Expect an unsettled June says Wiseweather

Contrary to expectations, Wiseweather believes June will be unsettled, after a warm start. Rainfall will be near or above average in many parts, although central and Eastern areas could remain drier. See more... Read more - members only

Unusual spring weather forces Claire Austin to cancel Iris Field Open Days

The unusually high temperatures and light levels this spring have sadly taken their toll on the iris fields. The iris flowers are so far forward, that there will be no blooms left for the field open days, which had been scheduled for 2-4 June 2011. Read more - members only

Funding offers a real financial boost for garden centres and horticultural businesses

Garden centre and horticultural business owners considering making an investment in their businesses are being urged to tap into discounted loan rates from the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (AMC), but should act quickly to ensure they secure a loan before the EIB funds expire. See more... Read more - members only

Strong April sales led by outdoor plants

Figures released by the GCA for April show strong growth, which means that their garden centres have increased sales by around 8% over the last 12 months. See more... Read more - members only

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