GIMA accuses GRO of ‘Divide and rule’

GIMA has warned members that they need GRO like they need ‘A hole in the head’. In reply the new buying group says the view of the manufacturers misunderstands the concept of GRO. See more... Read more - members only

It’s not about pretty planting and neat lawns, says Mintel

The latest Mintel report sees signs of a new generation of gardeners with different needs. Garden centre consolidation is slowing, but the long-term survival of the traditional garden centre is questioned. See more... Read more - members only

Conference shows how to survive a recession

HTA members who attended this week's business leaders’ conference heard that we are facing the toughest time ever for business directors. Innovation is the key to survival, but this does not come naturally to companies with over 20 staff. Creativity needs to be worked at. See more... Read more - members only

1 in 7 success for National Garden Gift vouchers

Despite the current turbulent economic climate, research by the Voucher Association shows that one in seven of all paper vouchers sold to consumers in the UK is an HTA National Garden Gift Voucher (NGGV). See more... Read more - open to all

Cream of the industry set to attend HTA Garden Leaders’ Conference

Top names from across the garden industry have signed up to attend the HTA’s Garden Leaders’ Conference which takes place at the London Stock Exchange on 21-22nd October. See more... Read more - open to all

October – cooler, wetter, duller

According to Wiseweather, October sees the return of generally cool wet weather for most with gales and heavy rain at times. See more... Read more - members only

GIMA asks - what's around the corner?

With the future looking more uncertain than ever GIMA has asked two retailers to look ahead. The next business meeting will hear from Wilkinson and Frosts as well as experts in logistics and web-based research. See more... Read more - members only

ECO-St and Wyevale announce launch of Energy Saving Centres

Following the recent rises in energy prices ECO-St and Wyevale have joined forces to develop Energy Saving Centres that will educate customers about ways to save energy and generate their own. Read more - members only

HTA’s Garden Industry Leaders’ conference

The new style HTA conference at the London Stock Exchange will be of particular interest at this time of financial turmoil. Jeff Randall, the Daily Telegraph’s Editor-At-Large, will be the after-dinner speaker. Peter Day, presenter of BBC Radio 4’s In Business programme will chair a programme of experts including HSBC senior economist Mark Berrisford-Smith. See more (this article is open to all readers) ... Read more - open to all

New look for Ruxley Rose competition

The new look Ruxley Rose competition will keep garden centres focused on plants at a time when their attention might be diverted by Christmas decorations. See more... Read more - members only

Will there be an Indian Summer?

Any warmth in September will be short lived says Wiseweather. And there’s more rain to come. See more... Read more - members only

Marshalls attacks Glee

Having decided not to exhibit at Glee this year, Marshalls has taken the unusual step of criticising the garden industry's largest trade show. See more... Read more - members only

The Composting Association has changed its name

The Composting Association has changed its name to the Association for Organics Recycling. See more... Read more - members only

Salary survey reveals wages of sales managers are forging ahead

This year’s salary survey by the HTA shows that garden centre managers continue to be paid more than a nursery manager. The average plant area manager is paid £19,500 and nursery workers in the Southern region remain the highest paid with average wages of £14700. Sales manager salaries have grown 8%. For details see more... Read more - members only

HTA Garden Industry Leaders’ Conference 2008

The HTA is replacing its annual conference with The Garden Industry Leaders’ Conference at the London Stock Exchange in October. It will be chaired by Peter Day of BBC's In Business, and speakers will include HSBC senior economist Mark Berrisford-Smith, Stuart Scott, Edward de Bono’s master trainer in the UK, and Tim How, chief executive of Majestic Wine. See more...
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More cold weather in November, but sunnier

Wiseweather predicts another frosty spell in mid November, with prospect of wintriness! See more... Read more - members only

New Name, New Venue for the Torquay Fair

After 44 years, the Torquay gift fair will take a new identity and move to Exeter. See more... Read more - members only

Butterfly World Project opens with Future Gardens next year

Phase one of a stunning £25 million Butterfly World Project will open next June with Future Gardens, a series of show gardens launched by Sir David Attenborough and David Bellamy. When completed, the 25-acre site near St Albans will have display gardens in the shape of a caterpillar, a tropical biome and 10,000 tropical butterflies. See more... Read more - members only

September retail sales are 1.5% lower

Comments attached to the latest BRC-KPMG sales figures, which show another drop, say UK retail is not in freefall, the consumer is still spending. See more… Read more - members only

IGCA heads for the North West in 2009

The IGCA (International Garden Centre Association) Congress is to return to the UK after 12 years. In 1997 the event was hosted by London, the Southeast and Scotland. In September 2009 it will be the turn of the North West. See more... Read more - members only

GRO names its buyer for garden products

GRO has appointed a buyer for garden dry goods. He has started to contact suppliers who have indicated their willingness to talk to the new, GCA backed, garden centre buying group. See more... Read more - members only

So where does Glee go from here?

As Glee 2008 closed its doors last night questions were being asked about the format of the UK's largest garden trade exhibition. Show director, Dan Thurlow, dispels many of the rumours but confirms that it will be a more compact show next year. See more... Read more - members only

Management shake-up at the HTA

The HTA is restructuring in order to be ‘fit for purpose’ for the next ten years and to serve a wider sector of the industry. See more... Read more - members only

BBC and RHS sign 5-year contract

The BBC and The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) have signed a new five-year contract, which includes the exclusive rights to broadcast the major RHS flower shows on BBC Television until 2013. See more... Read more - members only

HTA wins support in fight to lift Sunday Trading restrictions

The HTA is to meet the government in October backed by overwhelming support from its members in favour of exempting garden centres from Sunday trading restrictions. This will add weight to the Bill currently in the House of Lords. See more... Read more - members only

Garden Centre sales level with 2007

July figures from the GCA barometer of trade show that garden centres have clawed their way back to match last year's sales figures by encouraging their customers to spend more. But there has been a change in the sales mix. See more... Read more - members only

Ornamentals growers urged to register for new SPS scheme

The HTA is urging nurseries in England to register their interest in receiving entitlements for the single payment scheme as soon as possible. See more… Read more - members only

It’s Brollies and Sunhats this August

This month is predicted to be one of the cooler and wetter Augusts of the last decade. A few hot days are expected but no protracted warm spells, according to Wiseweather. See more... Read more - members only

Enhance the competitiveness of your business with Women in Work!

Significant training grants are available for HTA members to take advantage of through the Women and Work project, managed by Lantra Sector Skills Council for the environmental and land-based sector. See more... Read more - members only

Sales fall sharply after early summer blip

UK retail sales values fell 0.4% on a like-for-like basis, compared with June 2007. Sales have now been lower than a year ago in three of the past four months, the worst since summer 2005. See more... Read more - open to all

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