How long can Government continue to discriminate against garden centres?

Almost 150 B&Q stores have re-opened selling plants and gardening items. How long can Government continue to discriminate against garden centres, when 70% of the public say they would feel comfortable there? Read more - open to all

Scottish minister says garden centres and nurseries can sell via mail order

The Scottish Government has aligned its advice with the rest of the UK and encouraged garden centres, nurseries and plant growers to sell plants and garden accessories via mail order. Read more - open to all

Hopes fade of garden centres opening before the May bank holiday

Hopes for a resumption of trading by garden centres before the next bank holiday are withering. So, the HTA is asking growers for evidence to build the case for compensation from Government. Read more - open to all

Covid-19 update 16 April

Although Garden centre premises are closed, the switch to home delivery is leading to long delays and frustrated customers, but also to acts of generosity. Read more - open to all

Desch Plantpak has donated plastic to make visors for the NHS

Covid-19 update Tuesday 7th April

Current Coronavirus topics ask should garden centres be classified as essential retailers and are retailers paying their suppliers? Plus an update on the Furlough process and a petition. Read more - open to all

BHETA boss accuses major retailers of commercial bullying

BHETA has stepped in to defend DIY, housewares and garden suppliers as multiple retailers seek to extend trading terms by 90 days in these exceedingly challenging times. Read more - open to all

Covid-19 update Tuesday 31st March

Essential retailers remain open for garden products while Plants Galore hits out at unfair lockdown.  The HTA pleas for financial support for growers while vandals hit North Yorkshire nursery. Read more - open to all

Plants Galore

GCA releases February trading figures

Before the virus lockdown in March, it was the rain. February sales fell 8% in the month with substantial falls in plants and gardening revenue according to the GCA. Read more - members only

A damp display at Forest Lodge

Covid-19 update Thursday 26th March

Squire’s Twickenham opens for pets, Home base and B&Q remain closed. AIPH says losses for Dutch growers could be 2bn Euros. Zest for Leisure closes temporarily. Read more - open to all

Squire’s Twickenham opens for pets

Garden centres take decision to close

Klondyke, Millbrook and number of leading garden centres have announced that they are closing, doing what’s best for staff and customers during the Coronavirus crisis. Others are set to follow. Read more - open to all

Business Rates - Garden Centres - Reliefs & Exemption

It has this evening been confirmed by the Minister for Housing, Communities & Local Government that Rates relief at 100% for the retail and leisure sectors will be applied to all Garden Centres. Read more - open to all

Covid-19 Tuesday report

Here’s a summary of announcements made in the last 24 hours about the impact of Covid-19 on the garden sector. It includes progress from the HTA and BALI and the impact on French garden centres. Read more - open to all

GIMA Day Conference & AGM Postponed

In light of the current Coronavirus situation GIMA has decided to postpone the AGM & Day Conference that was due to take place this Thursday 19th March.   There is a plan to reschedule the event for later in the year Read more - members only

Two gardening apps are making news 

SmartPlant has added Dobbies to its growing list of partners, while the ambitious and well funded Candide exhibited at the Garden Press Event and has unveiled its plans for Chelsea. Read more - members only

Immigration proposals are a grave worry says leading grower

Growers say it is difficult to see how their business could continue under the proposed immigration changes. The HTA says it stands ready to support Government targets on tree planting, import substitution, biosecurity… but the Government needs to support the industry. Read more - members only

Mark Taylor in a tunnel at Allensmore

DIY & Gardening forecast to be down more than -12%

BHETA has reduced its forecast for DIY and Garden sales in 2020 by -12.1%.  But, it says, the sector is better protected than some.  It projects 2020 sales will fall from £11.4bn to £10bn. Read more - open to all

The HTA sends vital survey to all UK growers

With no date set for the reopening of garden centres the best hope for the survival of growers’ businesses rests with the Government providing a compensation scheme. But it is asking for more data. Read more - open to all

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When garden centres resume trading...

When garden centres resume trading in the UK, how will they preserve social distancing? Gardenforum looks at what measures will need to be considered. Read more - open to all

HTA gains unprecedented access to Government

The HTA’s Growers in Crisis publicity campaign has been successful in persuading the Government that ornamental growers are a key industry.  If a compensation scheme is agreed, Growers must be ready. Read more - open to all

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Port costs threaten LOFA members with closure

Containers of garden furniture, delayed by the Coronavirus lockdown in China, are arriving in the UK as retailers are closed leaving LOFA members facing crippling demurrage and other costs. Read more - open to all

The AIPH joins the appeal for help from Governments

The AIPH says a significant proportion of ornamental horticultural producers are likely to go out of business during 2020. Some governments do not understand the specific threats facing them. Read more - open to all

HTA presents its case to save horticulture

“The horticultural sector could be wiped out by the UK Coronavirus shut down in just weeks” claims the HTA. The case has been highlighted by the BBC Today. Read more - open to all

Covid-19 update - GIMA Awards cancelled

The GIMA Awards are cancelled. The HTA gives members a subscription holiday. Cherry Lane Garden Centres extend opening hours. Read more - open to all

Covid-19 Wednesday update 2

Dobbies close all its stores, BALI advises landscapers to cease trading for 48 hours, and Perennial reminds the industry that it is the safety net for people in the industry needing help at this time. Read more - open to all

HTA writes to members as Coronavirus closes restaurants

As restaurants on garden centres are closed in the battle to contain Coronavirus, HTA chairman James Barnes writes to members promising HTA support and announcing a weekly survey on trading. Read more - open to all

HTA chairman, James Barnes

Covid-19 Wednesday update

This update is open to all readers. It includes news from Dobbies and Blue Diamond, with advice and opportunities for the current crisis. Read more - open to all

RHS cancels all upcoming shows and events

All RHS Shows, Garden events and school visits will be cancelled with immediate effect until 30 June 2020.  RHS Gardens remain open, with a number of increased precautionary measures in place. Read more - members only

HTA calls on Government to support nurseries

HTA’s director of policy, James Clark has welcomed parts of the budget but says support for nurseries is critical to deliver the Government’s ambition to plant 30,000 trees and create a greener Britain. Read more - members only

A solid start to 2020 for garden centres

Garden centre sales in January rose by +7.7%. Houseplants continue to be the star performer, the category is now bigger than seeds & bulbs for the month, according to the GCA. Read more - members only

Houseplants and Gifts at Haskins Snow Hill (Peter Dawson)

HTA welcomes a Defra Secretary of State who knows the industry

HTA sees the appointment of George Eustice as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as a positive move given his knowledge of this industry. Read more - members only

In 2016, Minister, George Eustice with Carol Paris and Peter Seabrook

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