Woodlodge to skydive for Greenfingers!
Richard Newton and Abigail Stocker from Woodlodge Products will be taking to the skies to raise money for Greenfingers Charity on 17th September. In association with the Army Parachute Association, the dare devil pair will take part in a tandem parachute jump over the stunning Wiltshire countryside.
Richard, who has recently become a Greenfingers Charity Ambassador said: “We are incredibly excited, and slightly terrified, to be fundraising for Greenfingers Charity by taking the leap, but we know the money we raise will make a real difference to children and families who face daily challenges.”
You can support Richard and Abigail in their skydiving challenge by visiting their online giving page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/woodlodge-products.
For more information about Greenfingers Charity, visit www.greenfingerscharity.org.uk
Abigail said: “Thank you for supporting us as we take part in this terrifying challenge and thank you for helping to make a real difference”