Paul to talk about economy and political landscape at GCA conference

Writer and broadcaster Paul Mason will be talking about the economy and the political landscape during his guest speech at the Garden Centre Association’s (GCA) 2020 annual conference in January (January 26 until 29).
Paul will take to the stage on Tuesday, January 28 at the conference at the Mercure Bristol, Grand Hotel in Bristol.
He said: “I am thoroughly looking forward to attending the GCA annual conference and as we are in such important economic and political times currently, my speech will be reflecting this. I will talk about how the garden centre industry will be affected by the political landscape, whatever that may be in January.
“Of course, there will be mention of Brexit also, which is a pertinent subject for all industries. Attendees will be able to take all of my advice back with them to their garden centres and use it in the day-to-day running of their businesses.”
Paul was formerly Channel 4 News’ Economics Editor covering all aspects of the UK and global economy, markets, labour and commerce and he previously served in the same role for BBC2’s Newsnight.
He was also Channel 4’s Culture and Digital Editor, examining the social, cultural and business impact of the new age of digital and online. Prior to joining the commercial broadcaster, he took over from Stephanie Flanders as Newsnight’s Economics Editor after several years as Business and Industry Correspondent.
Paul was also previously Deputy Editor of Computer Weekly. He has won the Workworld Business Journalist and Wincott awards for his China reports, and the Diageo African Business Reporting Award for his acclaimed film on how mobile phones are changing the continent.
Iain Wylie, Chief Executive of the GCA, said: “We’re thrilled to have Paul joining us for our conference.
“The economy is a hugely important topic for the garden centre industry, so it will be thoroughly interesting to hear what Paul has to say and we will also be keen to hear his views on Brexit and the political landscape and how that can also affect us as an industry.”
The GCA’s 2020 conference will be held at Mercure Bristol, Grand Hotel in Bristol from January 26 until 29 and places can be booked via
Paul will be speaking to attendees on Tuesday, January 28.
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