Bransford Webbs strengthens board with two new appointments

The Bransford Webbs Plant Company are pleased to announce that David Chilvers and Karl O’Neill have joined the board of directors as Sales and Marketing Director and Technical Production Director respectively.
David and Karl studied together at Pershore College of Horticulture, gaining their BSc (Hons) in Commercial Horticulture in 2001. They joined Bransford Webbs within a month of each other in late 2004.
David, who previously held roles as a Plant Area Manager, started at The Bransford Webbs Plant Company as Northern Area Sales Representative, and has held the role of Sales Manager for the last four years. Karl, having worked at both Notcutts Nurseries and Ellis Brothers Nurseries, joined Bransford Webbs as Propagation Manager, which has evolved to Propagation and Technical Manager in recent years.
Chair Will Tooby said "We are delighted to be welcoming Karl and David to join our Board here in Bransford. Between them they have been working here for nearly 40 years, building their expertise and experience, and making their name in the industry. They are both innovative and exceptionally talented, bringing dynamism, determination and dedication which I am sure will contribute to the ongoing success of Bransford Webb’s as a leading light in the horticultural world of ornamentals."
The full board of directors now consists of Will Tooby - Chairman, Ed Webb - Director, Adrian Marskell – Managing Director, Christine Burton – Production Director, Richard Colbourne – Financial Director, David Chilvers – Sales and Marketing Director and Karl O’Neill – Technical Production Director.