Grow21 Festival will be organised online
The new virtual event for the horticulture, gardening and landscaping industry is powered by Kekkilä-BVB, the European leader in horticulture. We invite all to come together to discuss and develop the green industry towards more sustainable growing.
During this three-day festival, we invite you to join our extended industrial community to gain inspiration, learn about new trends, share experiences and hear esteemed keynotes and panels. In addition you will have the opportunity to join in-depth sessions and local webinars with the green industry stake holders. Together we can plant the seeds for sustainable future!
"Many horticulture and gardening industry events have been cancelled or postponed due to Covid 19. We want to bring light and inspiration to our current restricted reality. We have invited over 20 green experts from different organisations in Europe to share their knowledge and insight to create an interesting and inspiring agenda. We hope that the participants will benefit from these presentations and webinars.” says Juha Mäkinen, CEO of Kekkilä-BVB and the Chairman of Growing Media Europe association.
The agenda of the first online Grow Festival will include:
- Urban green environments
- Consumers after Covid 19
- Gardening trends in Europe
- Optimizing shopper marketing
- Preserving Biodiversity
- Future of sustainable growing
Panel discussions and interviews:
- Shopper behaviour in the new normal
- Climate change driving the change in the food industry
- Responsibly produced peat (RPP)
Specialist local webinars on various topics
The day 1 focuses on biodiversity in urban environment.
Securing biodiversity, building green areas and recycling are more important topics than ever to take into account when designing the future urban areas. We will discuss the future green cities, the friendly micorbes that ensure the biodiveristy under ground and within the soil. Roof gardens will be a big add-on in securing the biodiversity above the ground. We will not only see the traditional meadows on the ground but more and more green patches attached to the houses and other buildings on the roofs and walls as well as the river banks.
The key focus of the day 2 will be on the consumers.
Consumer needs and behaviour is changing more rapidly than ever. What are Covid-19 impacts on consumers’ behaviour, what kind of gardening trends will there be in the near future and how does gardening support us all in the new normal, how do the shoppers behave both in the physical as well as virtual shops now and in the future – these questions and many more will be answered during the day 2.
The Day 3 will be about the sustainable professional growing in the future.
What kind of changes are there to be expected after Covid-19 in this industry? How the future professional growing and growing media will look like and how to ensure the growing media for the future food production for the enlarging population? These questions and many more will be answered. And finally we will dig in to the changes driven by the climate change on the food production, distribution and consumption.
The registrations will open on January 12 at
Registration per the main session of the day and separately for the local webinars.
The festival is free of charge.