Wyevale Nurseries offers complimentary peat free advice leaflet to garden centres

Wyevale Nurseries is this month offering a free downloadable peat free PDF advisory leaflet to trade customers seeking assistance with the changes to the law around peat usage (July 2023).
Technical Specialist for the Hereford-based commercial grower, Harry Downes, who has been overseeing the nurseries’ peat-free plant trials, has helped put together the advice flyer.
Andy Johnson, Managing Director at Wyevale Nurseries, explains: “Thanks to Harry’s work with us, we’ve been able to produce a leaflet that people can download for free from our website to help them get to grips with going peat free.
“Earlier in 2023, we held our first retailers’ forum and this was one of the key topics discussed, as well as the associated implications and considerations with regards caring for plants ‘Grown in Peat Free Compost’, which is a marketing strapline we’re using now.
“As a result of this, we wanted to provide a guide for any of our current and future retail customers to give them advice about the changes in the law around peat usage and how it will impact them.
“But it’s not just the legal aspect to consider, consumers are also demanding plants in peat free compost and that’s happening now, so garden centres are increasingly looking to offer gardeners a peat free range.
“It’s also important for plantaria teams to know how they can best care for the plants grown in peat free compost, that they order from us, when they are delivered to their garden centres. These products are proving to be a very different from peat-based ones. It is crucial garden centres are offered support to ensure they understand how to look after plants in this new growing medium.
“Our flyer also gives plant retailers and garden centres some information about peat free plant production here at Wyevale Nurseries and features facts and figures around our production, and what we have learnt through our trials.
“We’ve also shared a number of opportunities available to help our customers to address queries their staff and any consumers/gardeners may have around this topic.”
In Wyevale Nurseries’ 2024 promotional catalogue, aimed at retailers and garden centres, the team has featured several plants now completely ‘Grown in Peat Free Compost’.
They include Digitalis purpurea Pam’s Choice, Digitalis Lucas, Perovskia Blue Spire, Echinacea SunSeekers – both Pink and Red, as well as Erigeron karvinskianus Sea of Blossom and Helenium autumnale Short and Sassy.
For further details about Wyevale Nurseries, which is based in Hereford, please call 01432 845 200 or visit www.wyevalenurseries.co.uk.