Sandy Shepherd joins HTA Board

Sandy Shepherd from Ball Colegrave has joined the HTA Board as a Director.
As Managing Director for Ball Colegrave since 2001 Sandy brings more than 30 years horticultural business knowledge to the organisation having previously held senior management positions in KinderGarden Plants, Jiffy and Lows of Dundee.
Ball Colegrave is the UK’s leading wholesale distributor of seed and plants to commercial growers and local authorities founded in 1962 by the late David Colegrave and his wife Nancy. David pioneered with the introduction of the first F1 hybrids to the UK market, a significant turning point in the history of ornamental bedding plants. In 2001 Ball Horticultural Company joined forces with the David Colegrave Group to deliver an even greater level of service and products. Ball Colegrave prides itself in innovation, service and support to its customers and the whole ornamental bedding plant industry.
HTA Chief Executive Carol Paris, comments, ‘We are delighted that Sandy is joining us on the HTA Board. It is important that all the interests of our members are represented on the Board and with the wealth of industry knowledge and experience that Sandy brings we look forward to his contribution.”
In addition to Sandy the HTA Board comprises of Stan Green (President), David Norman (Hon Treasurer), Carol Paris (HTA CEO), Caroline Owen (Past President), John Lord, Ian Ashton, Bob Hewitt, Mark Pearson and Richard Barnard.