New intake at Bransford Webbs

The Bransford Webbs Plant Company is proud to announce the appointment of two new apprentices following successful interviews and a short trial period. Poppy Griffin and Thomas Everard have both been offered positions on the nursery team.
In conjunction with Pershore College, part of the Warwickshire College Group, and other Midlands Based Growers, Bransford Webbs offers a two year apprenticeship, with a level two work based diploma in horticulture. Both Poppy and Thomas will work in a variety of nursery departments over the next two years and attend six separate week long study sessions at Pershore College.
“We are finding the new format of the apprenticeship scheme is working extremely well for us; with our two students from last year and two this year, we currently have four very capable apprentices within our nursery team. So the future looks bright!”, commented Karl O’Neill, Propagation and Technical Manager, who is mentor to the apprentices.