New chairman for herb society

After seven happy years as a trustee of The Herb Society, and latterly as acting chairman, Gwenneth Heyking is retiring from the Board of Trustees. Barbara Depledge, a fellow trustee and long-standing member of the Herb Society, will become chairman on 1 January 2015. A lover of herbs and their benefits, Depledge enjoyed a 25-year career in the pharmaceutical industry and 10 years as a community pharmacist.
Heyking is delighted to have overseen significant change for the Herb Society. A new admin team in 2013 was followed by a new logo, a new leaflet (funded by former sponsors NFU Mutual) and the development of a new website shortly to become live. The icing on the cake is that Toby Buckland is the Herb Society’s President for 2015/16. Heyking says, ‘I couldn’t have been involved with the Society at a more exciting time. It has been a period of great change, all of it for the better, with Board members working incredibly hard. I’m glad to say that three new trustees have recently joined the Board which will provide fresh insights.’ Heyking looks forward to returning to her roots as a garden historian and spending more time focussing on herbal history.
Contact: Toni Kelly – : 0845 491 8699