Mr Fothergill's staff raise £100 with Macmillan Ice Bucket Challenge
Company: Mr Fothergill's

So keen were staff at Suffolk seedsman Mr Fothergill's to have the chance to soak its executive directors with cold water, they recently raised more than £100 for Macmillan Cancer Support in an ice bucket challenge. Tickets were raffled at £1 each, with the names of the five lucky winners drawn on the day of what has become this summer's fashionable fundraiser.
After their drenching, the directors - John Fothergill, David Carey, Tim Jeffries, Jeremy Sharp and Ed Yeldham - nominated the company's managers to be the next recipients of the water in what has become the customary manner. John Fothergill commented it was good to see staff undertaking their duty with such relish and enthusiasm!
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