Managing Director of The Bransford Webbs Plant Company to retire

After 23 years at Bransford Webbs, and over 40 years in the horticultural industry, Adrian Marksell is retiring at the end of this week. Having studied at Pershore College of Horticulture in the 1980s, Adrian went onto work for both Klassman and Unwins, joining The Bransford Webbs Plant Company in 2000 as Sales and Marketing Director. Adrian became Managing Director in 2017.
“Adrian has been an excellent Managing Director, steering the nursery through the tough times of Covid and has since honed it into a healthy shape for the future in all dimensions of people, planet and profit”, commented Will Tooby, Chairman. “He has also made valuable contributions to the trade through the HTA and will be very much missed as such a good, level-headed, all-rounder. I'm sure everyone will want to join me in wishing him a very healthy and happy retirement. Thank you, Adrian”.
Christine Burton, current Production Director, and Richard Colbourne, current Financial Director will assume the roles of Joint Managing Directors. The board at Bransford Webbs is completed by Will Tooby, Chairman, Ed Webb, Director, David Chilvers, Sales and Marketing Director and Karl O’Neill, Technical Production Director.