IPPS 6 packer award for Bransford Webbs apprentice

Isobel Watson, from The Bransford Webbs Plant Company, has won a place on the IPPS European Regional Annual conference, taking place this year in Stratford upon Avon, in the Midlands.
Isobel, an apprentice at Bransford Webbs, who works within the liner unit on the nursery, impressed the judging panel with both her personal and employer statement, earning her a well-deserved place at the conference.
The three day-long conference, titled ‘Technical Times’, is being organised this year by Bransford Webbs’ Propagation and Technical Manager, and IPPS Vice Chairman, Karl O’Neill. Running from Wednesday 9th to Friday 11th October 2019 and hosted at the Double Tree Hilton Hotel in Stratford upon Avon, the conference will cover a range of topics from the breeding of new plant varieties to technical developments, from real time remote crop monitoring to plant health. An excellent itinerary of nursery visits has already been finalised with visits to Hawkesmill, Ball Colegrave Bordon Hill Site, Newey Avoncross and New Leaf, where delegates will be able to see excellent horticultural practices and new technology in action.
“Attending the IPPS Conference is a fantastic opportunity to meet and mix with leading growers from across Europe. Our motto is ‘Seek and Share’ and from my personal experience as an IPPS member for the last 14 years, it has always delivered on this and has helped develop my career massively, plus I have made some excellent friends along the way”, commented Karl O’Neill. “We have a fantastic array of speakers lined up covering many sectors of the industry, aimed at supporting the increasing number of technical challenges we face as growers”.
The Bransford link continues, with David Chilvers, Sales Manager, due to speak on the Friday at the conference alongside Alex Everett of Aeroplas on the future of plastics in plant production, following their involvement in the successful implementation of the taupe pot.
The conference is open to both members and non-members, from across the sectors, and students are most welcome to attend. Booking forms are available on our website http://eur.ipps.org and various social media channels. The closing date for applicants has been extended for both full and day delegates to Friday 20th September, but don’t delay in booking your place at what promises to be a very fulfilling and interesting conference. If you would like more information about the conference, please contact the conference organiser Karl O’Neill, karl@bransfordwebbs.co.uk or the IPPS office, admin@ipps.org.uk