Green-tech’s Chris Swan awarded BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection and a finalist for Barrie Orme Shield

Back in December, Area Sales Manager, Chris Swan attended the BASIS Amenity Horticulture Turf course at STRI, the leading sports turf consultancy.
The results have been announced this week and Green-tech is delighted that Chris has passed this prestigious examination.
Chairman, Richard Kay comments: “These are quite rightly tough courses. The qualification is certified by BASIS and it means that Chris is now a member of the BASIS Professional register. I am delighted for him.”
BASIS was established by the pesticide industry in 1978. It is an independent standards setting and auditing organisation for the pesticide, fertiliser and allied industries and, in short, promotes and encourage professional standards in these industries.
Chris has passed the Certificate in Crop Protection (Amenity Horticulture Turf) which is the national qualification for all those advising on the use, selling or supplying of plant protection products in the amenity industry.
Chris has also been chosen by examiners to be entered into the final selection process for the Barrie Orme Shield 2014/2015. This is a prestigious award which was founded in 2000 in recognition of Mr Orme’s work helping to found BASIS. Examiners are asked to choose one outstanding candidate from each examination who is then entered into a final selection process for the Barry Orme Shield each year. The overall winner will be announced at the BASIS Board meeting in November 2015.
Commenting on the news Chris Swan, said, “I am really pleased to have a) passed the course and b) to be entered into the final selection for the Barrie Orme Shield. What an honour!”