A message from Sue Allen, Chairman of Greenfingers Charity

First, as Chairman of Greenfingers, I would like to give huge thanks to all those who did so much to support our recent Garden Re-Leaf Day. After the last few difficult years, it was great that the sponsored walk and cycle-ride could take place in reality and that so many companies and individuals did their utmost to raise funds in all sorts of imaginative and fun ways throughout the country. A special thanks to our small enthusiastic team of staff and volunteers for making all this possible.
Primarily I am writing to ask for your help. We need to recruit a Garden Project Manager to oversee all those magical gardens we plan to create for Children’s Hospices later this year and in the years ahead. As we continue to catch up with our building programme post Covid and develop a new make-over scheme for existing Greenfingers gardens, this really is an exciting time to join the charity and develop this role.
This is potentially a full-time position, although it could be on a job-share basis. It involves travelling around the UK to visit hospices before, during and after the builds and would require patience and understanding when liaising with the hospices, designers, landscapers, suppliers and the Board of Trustees.
We work with some of the best garden designers in the country, so an understanding of design principals together with the use of relevant IT is useful, but practical knowledge of plants, materials and building techniques with a sprinkling of common sense and the ability to resolve issues are invaluable.
This is a salaried role with all the usual employment benefits, working within our dedicated team. If you, or anyone you know would like to know more, please contact Sally Jenkins, our Director of Finance and Resources by emailing: Sally@greenfingerscharity.org.uk.
If I was a good few years younger I would relish such an opportunity!
Thank you so much for your continued support of our valuable work.