A growing line-up for the APL Autumn Seminar - “It’s Time to Plant”

With less than two weeks to go until the final chapter of the latest round of Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) seminars, the full line-up of speakers for ‘It’s Time to Plant’ has now been announced. Taking place at Horticulture House, Chilton, Oxfordshire on 25 September, it is your chance to hear from a range of designers, growers and suppliers and learn all you need to know about the planting section of a project.
Our latest speakers include:
Nick Coslett and Geoff de la Cour-Baker from Palmstead Nurseries Ltd talking about the methods of a production nursery with regards to supply. They will help explain their processes, lead times and the growing times of some of their more popular plants.
This will then lead on to Richard McKenna from Provender Nurseries who will cover the process of the supply chain from a cash and carry perspective. He will discuss the pros and cons and issues they face regarding stock, suppliers and biosecurity.
Alistair Yeomans, Horticulture Manager at the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA), will be giving a Bio- Security update, including what is being done and what landscapers and designers can do.
Paul Willavoys from Landscapeplus will then discuss irrigation and how best to incorporate this into a planning scheme.
With speakers from across the breadth of the industry, it promises to be an educational and inspirational day for all who attend. Prices are £65 + VAT for APL members and £70 + VAT for non-members.
Find out more information and book your place now at https://hta.org.uk/event_listing/apl-autumn-seminar-its-time-to-plant.html