Gardening a lifesaver in lockdown
Company: Squire’s Garden Centres
Squire’s Garden Centres has released the results of their “Gardening during Lockdown” survey. The survey of over 3,000 people was conducted in September 2020 and found that:
- Gardening was a lifesaver in lockdown (93% agreed)
- More gardening was done in lockdown (77% agreed), with a third of people questioned spending more than 10 hours each week gardening
- People were planting colourful & uplifting plants such as cottage garden & bedding plants (89% planted) and many planted vegetables (59%) and herbs (44%)
- Lockdown has made people more confident gardeners (25% agreed)
- As well as planting, people enjoyed relaxing in their garden (82% agreed), eating outside (68%), and having a good clear out (53%)
- More time will be spent gardening this autumn/winter than last year (54% agreed) with bulbs being the most popular thing to plant (71% will plant)
- Gardening makes you feel good! It gives you a send of achievement (78% agreed), makes you feel calm and relaxed (75% agreed), happy (66% agreed) and at one with nature (45% agreed)
“Gardening was undoubtedly a lifesaver for many people during lockdown,” said Sarah Squire, Chairman of Squire’s Garden Centres.
“Garden habits have changed, with people gardening more and trying new things, whether that is planting vegetables for the first time, growing new varieties of plants, or getting round to doing jobs in the garden."
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