Booking goes live for 2025 GCA conference

The Garden Centre Association (GCA) has launched the overarching theme for its next annual conference and has declared booking now open for the event (November 2024)
‘The Unique Garden Centre Experience’ is the main theme of the 2025 Conference, which takes place at De Vere Wokefield Estate, Reading, from January 26 until 29.
Will Blake, GCA Chairman and Managing Director of St Peters Garden Centre, says: “We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to curate what promises to be one of our best conferences to date and we’re really looking forward to welcoming as many members as possible to our 2025 event.
“It all kicks off on the Sunday with a brilliant London Retail Safari, which has been organised by GCA Chairman Elect, Ben Harrison from Haskins Garden Centres and is being led by Matthew Brown from Echo Chamber.
“It starts with a trends’ presentation in central London. Then, following a fascinating tour of various retail venues, the party will meet back at Battersea Power Station for drinks and nibbles, before being taken back to the hotel via a 50-seater luxury coach. Profits from this event will be shared with the three main charities we support – Greenfingers, The Colegrave Seabrook Foundation and Perennial.”
Following the GCA AGM first thing on the Monday morning at the Conference, delegates will hear from the organisation’s four inspectors on the highlights of their spring inspections and the first batch of member awards will be announced.
Will adds: “Monday always focuses on the operational side of business, so is a great day to bring team members, especially if you think you are in with a chance of an award. We will see the presentations from this year’s Rising Stars’ finalists too and our guest speakers will be focusing on customer experience, employee engagement and leadership.
“The day finishes with our Associate Members’ networking dinner, which always includes a fancy-dress theme; this year’s is ‘The London Underground’. I can’t wait to see the fabulous get-ups that people come in. No one can forget the Millbrook King Prawns from our Conference earlier this year, but we’re hoping a team can match or beat this!”
During the day on Tuesday, there will be a particular emphasis on the economy, marketing and the environment with updates from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and the Horticultural Trades’ Association (HTA), plus an overall theme presentation entitled ‘The Unique Garden Centre Experience.’
GCA CEO, Peter Burks, says: “We will hear from our chosen trio of charities, have a fascinating talk on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and presentations from the International Garden Centre Association (IGCA) and our GCA Trust. We’ve an impressive roster of guest speakers too and we’ll be releasing full details of these soon.”
The conference concludes with an Associates’ Exhibition, which will see more than 50 members presenting their wares to delegates in an informal setting and a prestigious Awards Gala Dinner.
Peter adds: “I’m delighted to say we’ve managed to keep prices the same as they were for our 2024 event. Once again there’s a 10% early bird discount available until the end of November and to Young People in Horticulture Association (YPHA) members. Sponsorship slots are still available, so if any companies are interested, please get in touch with me on email”
Booking is now open for GCA members via Any non-members are welcome to join the organisation and come along, please contact Peter on the email above to find out more about joining.
For further information, please visit