Kevin is raising money for charity

Kevin Burgess is launching two Just Giving pages as he aims to take part in this years London Landmarks half marathon wearing his wellies.
He is raising funds for two charities, Young Lives vs Cancer - that as some will know is extremely close to him and to date he has raised over £5,000 over various different challenges.
GREENFINGERS CHARITY - LBC has also been involved with this charity since 2022.
Also this year Kevin has another huge milestone as he turns 55 and he will be 40 years cancer free. Plus he celebrates the addition of his beautiful granddaughter Elora.
Being told at 20 that he may never have children he was blessed with his son (Charlie) and his daughter (Imogen with grandpup Smudge). His wife Kendra who 35 years ago was sat with me when he was given that news has always offered her unwavering support.
Please give as much as you can to both, or your chosen charity if you can and it just takes a minute to pass these details to the next person as he understands not all can support every cause!
Thank you in anticipation of your donation should you decide to give - it's really appreciated now he looks forward to 7th April 2024.
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