Highfield Garden World plantsman prompts Choice Marketing conference fundraiser

A massive sum of £3,500 has been raised for an NHS cancer unit thanks to the generosity of suppliers and buyers at the Choice Marketing annual conference.
Highfield Garden World’s Deputy Planteria Manager Ian Byrne was diagnosed with cancer last Summer and has received treatment at the Macmillan Renton Unit in Hereford. Based in Gloucestershire, Highfield Garden World is one of 47 members of Choice Marketing – the leading buying group for independents in the UK and which holds a conference every Autumn. Ian’s positive cancer care experience prompted a fundraising raffle at the conference dinner event, with trade exhibitors generously donating prizes and Choice members and guests buying raffle tickets to the tune of £3,500.
Ian commented; “I’ve been really touched by the generosity of all those attending the Choice event. The care I have received at the Renton unit has been fantastic - such a caring, friendly and quietly professional experience - just when as a patient you need it most.”
Wye Valley NHS Trust Fundraising Manager Katie Farmer commented; “Ian’s done an amazing job and helped raise a really significant amount for The Macmillan Renton Unit. We all know the NHS is under pressure, and we’re massively grateful for the generosity shown by all the people attending this industry event.”
Michelle de Lavis-Trafford, CEO of Choice Marketing, commented; ““The garden industry is quite a close knit world in many ways – with lots of people having known each other for many years. It was lovely that our annual conference helped bring people together in more ways than one, and to raise money for such a worthwhile cause close to so many hearts. Our thanks go to all our members and suppliers for their generous contributions in making this donation possible”.
People in the photos left to right:
Left to right:
Katie Farmer of Wye Valley NHS Trust (Fundraising Manager), Sarah Martin of Westland (Choice Marketing’s Supplier of the Year), Tim Armstrong (Director), Ian Byrne (Deputy Planteria Manager) and Tim Greenway (Co-founder and Director) – all three of Highfield Garden World, Michelle de Lavis-Trafford CEO of Choice Marketing, and Jon Mason - Planteria Manager of Highfield Garden World.