Green-tech takes its first delivery as an Official Tubex Collection & Recycling Programme Drop-off Hub

Green-tech’s Trade Centre at Rabbit Hill Business Park was named as an Official Drop-off Hub for the Tubex Collection & Recycling Programme in June and took its first collection at the end of July.
The North York Moors National Park’s woodland team dropped off five dumpy bags of Tubex tree shelters to be recycled and repurposed, which adds up to around 2,000 shelters.
The North York Moors is one of the most wooded of England’s National Parks, boasting over 300 square kilometres of trees including oak, birch and rowan. The National Park Authority has also made a commitment to help tackle climate change and aid nature recovery through the creation of at least 2,500 hectares of additional wooded habitat by 2032.
With the Green-tech Trade Centre being one of 14 national hub locations, Tubex customers are given plenty of options to get their old shelters recycled. Pickup collections are also on offer.
The Tubex team will now organise a pick-up of the shelters from the Green-tech Trade Centre, to be taken to a Tubex recycling plant. Once the shelters arrive there they are washed and shredded before being re-pelletised and used in the manufacturing of new products.
Bill Shaw, Woodland Operations Supervisor at the North York Moors National Park Authority, comments: “We are delighted to be getting involved in the Tubex Collection & Recycling Scheme and having a Drop-off Hub round the corner from us makes it even better! We are committed to creating and maintaining new native woodland, so this scheme is ideal for us and this won’t be the last time we visit the Green-tech Trade Centre.”
Richard Gill, Sales Director at Green-tech, added: “It’s great to have already had our first collection after being named as an Official Drop-off Hub for the Tubex Collection & Recycling Scheme, and I’m sure this is the first of many for us! Green-tech are proud to be a part of this programme which further reinforces our commitment to the future of the landscaping industry and our environment.”
For more information on Tubex free tree shelter collection hubs click below:
For further information or to order recycling bags call Green-tech on 01423 332100 or email