World Bee Day 2025

Date: 20th May 2025
Location: Nationally

World Bee Day Events 

World Bee Day is 20th May. 

The public can help bees by planting bee friendly plants in their gardens and encouraging their councils to plant wildflower meadows and leave grass verges to allow wildflowers to bloom. 

Here in the UK May is a busy time for beekeepers who are tending their bees and watching them progress into strong colonies and often bringing in a spring honey crop depending on the weather and forage available.

The British Beekeepers' Association offers leaflets and information about planting for bees and has a Planting for bees quarterly blog available to encourage the public to help support bees by planting more food.

During May the BBKA also supports 'No Mow May' where the public are asked to not mow their lawns to allow wildflowers to grow to provide pollen and nectar as food for all pollinating insects. 

If you have a large garden or a suitable area of land then you could consider offering space to beekeepers.

Many associations hold taster days for members of the public to visit apiaries and get to see bees. Beekeepers all over the country do talks to schools, Scouts and Guides, WI, and other organisations all year round. If you'd like to find out more contact your nearest beekeeping association on BBKA's page "Find Beekeeping near you"

Contact: The British Beekeepers Association