Comité des Floralies - Nantes
Date: 17th - 26th May 2024
Location: Nantes
The international Floralies - Nantes are a prestigious flower exhibition which has been taking place every five years in Nantes since 1956.
Each exhibition attracts over 200 ornamental exhibitors, professionnals or amateurs from the flower and plant industry from France and all over the world. Selected for their professionalism and "know-how", they have a common passion for horticulture, landcape architecture, design and botanics.
Creations and landscape arrangements
Every five years, creation and landscape arrangement meet during 10 days in the exceptionnal surroundings of the "La Beaujoire" park, alongside the"Erdre", the most beautiful river of France according to King François the 1st. Hundreds of thousands of visitors helped the International Floralies - Nantes raised to the first French floral show and among the most prestigious European floral events.