Gardenforum Business Services - Businesses for Sale / Wanted

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(This is a guide. Gardenforum may move it to a more suitable section.)

Product & Plant News  
Offers of the Week are short term promotions that will be highlighted boldly on the Home Page for a week. They will remain on Gardenforum for at least 2 weeks.
Special Features  
Business Services  

Product and Plant news can also be published in the Buyers NewsLetter, a regular email sent to over 1300 buyers at UK garden centres, multiples and the buying groups. The content is the same as appears on Product News. Before Glee and for other Special Features we send a dedicated Buyers NewsLetter.

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Total cost inc. VAT:

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The total cost before discount will be:
Less your members discount of:
Sub total:
Total cost in VAT:

You will be able to significantly reduce this cost by buying a series of 3,6, or 10 advertisments. This will be explained on the payments page.

If you have already paid for a series, this is what you would have paid. You will not be charged again.

Content for your entry: (You may cut and paste from another file)

* Fields with an asterisk need to be filled in
  If your content is longer than the stated maximum, it is likely to be edited.

(To prevent internet malpractice this will not be shown, but respondents will fill in a form which will be emailed to you.) If you wish a telephone number or email address to be published, add them to the text in the details box.

Attach your picture:

You may add up to 4 images as long as the combined size is less that 1mb, images are automatically resized.
We only accept JPEG/JPG, GIF & PNG images.

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Choose if you would like to pay for this advert only or for a series. If you have already paid for a series click the already paid box.

If you are planning to publish several items of news over the next year or two (the series is valid for 2 years). You will save a significant amount by buying a series.

Gardenforum and Buyers NewsLetter
Already paid:
Single Entry:
Series of 3 Entries:
Series of 6 Entries:
Series of 10 Entries:
Series of 20 Entries:

You may pay by cheque, credit card or direct transfer to Gardenforum's bank To keep costs low we ask for payment before publication.

Your entry will be published once we have received your payment. We will send you a VAT receipt and a publication confirmation by e-mail.

You should check that you are happy with your content by clicking the tabs above. Submit to Gardenforum to complete your entry.

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For the Full List of Services - See the Services Directory