Frank P Matthews launches three new varieties at HTA National Plant Show

Wholesale tree nursery Frank P Matthews are launching three exciting NEW varieties at the HTA National Plant Show on Tuesday 20th June:
Malus ‘Aros’®, a dwarf, upright crab apple with very dark purple leaves, deep pink flowers and edible burgundy fruit.
Apple ‘Surprize’™, an exceptional new apple with brilliant glossy orange skin, pink flesh and a delicious, crisp taste.
Aprium Aprisali®, a hybrid between Apricot and Plum suitable for cooking and eating fresh, crimson fruit and compact growth, very tasty.
New varieties from Frank P Matthew have won Gold and Silver several times in the ‘Trees & Conifers’ category since the HTA Show began and they have high hopes for these special introductions!
Frank P Matthews hold prices for next season
Wholesale tree nursery Frank P Matthews have held all prices this season, fixing them for another 12 months until June 2018.
“We have worked hard to manage efficiencies on the nursery and would like to acknowledge the loyalty of our customers with a price freeze” says Matthew Thomas, Sales Manager. “The economic climate is still uncertain and I think we could all do with some stability!”
Frank P Matthews have also increased production of all key lines by 10% in response to demand. Fresh stock will be available from w/c 14th August. For a copy of the new catalogue email