The lease of Dobbies garden centre at Stapleton, formerly known as Woodlands, has been acquired by Gates Garden Centre.
23 Feb 2025, Derrick
I'm afraid we won't be visiting gates either as where we go our dog goes.
23 Feb 2025, Malc
we are so glad dogs are not allowed in centre have been in and been put off by barking in resturant dog areas donot stop sound.Ihave stopped going in other cafes because dogs are allowed . Please note Ino longer have a dog but did have for over 17yrs and Iam a dog lover but TIME AND PLACE,JMO
22 Feb 2025, Christine
I am so pleased you are not allowing dogs in, I am a dog lover and previous owner. The outside and countryside are for dogs, not shops and restaurants,these are for the public to enjoy. So thank you so much Gates for not allowing them in.
21 Feb 2025, Sue
So sorry Gates will not allow dogs indoors at Stapleton. Have also been to the Oakham site. Sadly haven't revisited, because of their no dogs policy, even though we go to Oakham quite often. Seems to be a good outlet except for this disappointing circumstance.
20 Feb 2025, Disappointed
Myself and my friends have been visiting Woodlands with our 2 extremely well behaved dogs for many years, we spent hours selecting plants and visiting the instore concession shops, even with decline in the place especially the restaurant we stayed loyal . We had hoped to carry on with our visits but reading the other comments on this forum it seems that you do not allow dogs onto your sites. It appears that a few people who don't control their dogs have spoilt everything for the owners who have trained their dogs to behave and not annoy other people. I trust the same instructions will be given to staff to remove any children who are running riot , screaming and generally being nuisances to the people who are trying to have a quiet day in peaceful surroundings. Judging by the number of people who also had their dogs with them there will be a lot more people staying away and taking their money elsewhere.
15 Feb 2025, Denise holland
Hi, can you confirm your opening date please ? I for one can’t wait! I visited the one in Oakham but not as much as I did the new site because of the distance for me. I’m pleased about the dog friendly decision as although I do have a dog I never found sitting in the restaurant a relaxing area, especially when they would start barking at other dogs around them and really for hygiene reasons I didn’t think it acceptable. Looking forward to my visit and welcoming you all ☺️
12 Feb 2025, Secret gardener
I’m sorry, but the smell the dog friendly environment left the garden centre in was utterly disgusting. Urine everywhere that seeped into the block paving. There are a lot of people who are or may be afraid of dogs also. A lot of money, time and effort is being put into this centre to bring it back to its glory days prior to Wyevale and Dobbies allowing it to fall in to disrepair. Many years ago it was a beautiful centre to visit, not so in recent years. Please do visit.
11 Feb 2025, Dog Friendly Area.
So sad to hear that Gates will not have a dog friendly area at The Woodlands. We have enjoyed bringing our dog to the previous garden centre Dobbies for many years. We will call in to see the new garden centre when open but it won’t be a regular place we will visit. We will continue to stay loyal to Dobbies at Mancetter as they are truly dog friendly.